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Dante Marsh Responds to fans - November 9, 2009

From Charlie

hi im 12 years old and i play tackle football in winnipeg but i cheer for bc because i was born their ive met the 1997 team i play for a team called the transcona nationals their is a coach in the club who has won championship in nfl 2 in cfl highschool and he won a super bowl and a grey cup in the same season! i have tourna ment on november 12 is our first game just wandering if you could give a good luck to our team the postition i play half back but just for a playoff game we finished the regular season 7-1 it wasen\'t happy but sad because we lost in the first round could you do it please

Good luck and I hope you guys continue to play great when your team needs big plays. Play hard, play fast and play for each other!