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Dante Marsh Responds to fans - October 19, 2009

From Jameelah Warren:

Hello Mr. Marsh, how's it going? Umm how come you don't have a facebook page and I'm not talkin about your fan page? You need to get with it man. lol Everybody and their mama is on there. A lot of people from State are on there too. How's the fam? Take care and have a good season. I just voted for you on the all-star ballot!!!!! Whoo hoo!!!! :)

Hey cuz I'm doing fine and so is the family. Naaaaa no myspace or facebook too many problems LOL.. How are you and lil man? Let me know about thanksgiving!!!! Thanks for the vote too.

- DM

From Darrell

hi dante i play db in high school and i was wondering if you had any tips on how to play cornerback like stance,inside/outside shade, backpedalind or shuffle techique. do you have drills to improve quickness or a weight lifting program. thanks darrell

I would say it depends on the defense that is called who you are playing and what they like to do. Some teams may run a lot of inside routes so you would want to play more inside shade especially in man to man coverage when you play zone you can change it up a little and play head up to outside shade once again depending on what your opponents tendencies are. As far as enhancing your quickness I would say jump rope, some sprinting up hill and the foot ladder. You might also want to start doing light power cleans and squats to improve your explosiveness. Personally I like using the back pedal especially early on. Learning how to road runner and t step will pay huge dividends especially if its smooth and quick. I like being low with my weight over my toes just makes me more efficient with my technique.

- DM