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Dante Marsh Responds to fans - September 8, 2010

From Richard Erickson:

Hey dante, hope I'm not bothering you with my questions on here? Lol, my question is how's it like at empire field compared to bc place? Do you find it better worse or about the same?

Honestly I like empire field a lot its intimate close to the fans and has a beautiful backdrop as far as the view with the mountains and skyline. The only downside is when the weather gets bad with the rain then that's when I miss BC PLACE..


From Alonzo Perry

my son play CB/PR/KR how can he get more speed he run a 4.36 he is only 5'6 150lb. I like to get him to a 4.2 Thank You Very Much

Well a 4.36 is blazing so I wouldn't worry too much about his speed as long as it translates to football. I have seen so many "fast" guys who don't play fast when it comes to the field. Sounds like he's a little guy but as long as he has heart he will be fine. Can't measure the size of a mans heart.


From Cory Lea:

Hey Dante, I just wanted to say thank you again, all the stuff that I have been able to tell you at the games this year is true. You being an athlete that I look up to as a person has helped me not only through my sports but through life. The way you approach situations and the way you keep your mind focused. Your pick was amazing and I hope that I can see another at home so I can get one of those balls. I couldnt be there at the end of the game because my friend needed us really badly and so I had to take off early. But one game ill have to grab a glove for the wall! I have one from the past 3 years so I cant break tradition! Thanks again Dante and keep up the great work. Me and my Grandma are cheering for you every play and never miss a thing. She doesnt come to the games but when I get home she tells me all about how you did even though I was at the game lol. Well take care and ill see you in a few weeks. I wanna try hitting up a practice so you can sign some stuff!

Man I appreciate your support big time you keep it real and I like that..I was looking for you after the game to give you my game gloves but you were gone.. I got you next game though..I didn't know how much of a D.Marsh fan you really were its flattering and an honor for real.. I appreciate you rockin the 31 at all the games and supporting me non stop.. Don't hesitate to holla at me anytime..


From Brandon Pageot

Hey Dante , I'm a huge fan! I also play DB and try to model my game after you. I've noticed that my coverage skills are pretty decent and my speed is alright but I would like to improve more in those areas. Do you have any tips that can help me? Thanks!

Man thank you! As far as tips I would say concentrate on having very quick feet and the ability to close on receivers quickly..Also don't be afraid to tackle, I think that's one of the things that separates me from other cornerbacks is the fact that I don't mind being physical. Remember you have to bring something to the table that separates you from other players at your position..