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Dante Marsh Responds to fans - August 31, 2008

From Mike:

Yo Mr.Marsh, I want to thank you because you introduced me to McDonalds Apple Pies "Smushed" into McDonalds Ice Cream. Many thanks.

No problem Mike, just remember everything in moderation don't over do it because it can get out of hand quickly!

- DM

From Javi:

Hey dude, I just wanted to tell you how ballin' you are and tell you that you're my favorite player in all of professional football. Nice quotes from the bible too.

Why thank you javi and thank you for stopping by my site! Most definitely you can all things through CHRIST because HE makes everything possible. Do you play ball as well? Who is your favorite CFL/NFL team?

- DM

From Corey:

Hey Dante its Corey Lea again, Thanks for writing me back the last couple times its a real honour. Sorry i have not been down to the practices to get Kato to take my jersey in to get your numbers and your name put on. And please dont say thank you to us for being their every game. Its the least we can do to show you guys how much we love our lions. I can honestly say that you and the rest of the Lions bring more to this province than any team and any sport ever could. I will try and make it downt there soon now that I got all my stuff together. I cant wait to finally get the jersey made. My question is, for the first time in a long time we are at the bottom of the west. How is the team dealing with that and what is it like in behind the scenes? (even though we all know its mainly the offence that is struggling cause NO ONE IS BETTER THAN BC DEFENCE!!) Thanks Mr. Marsh

No worries my man! I feel honored that you wanted my jersey and like I said before the constant support every game I really appreciate that sir!

- DM