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Dante Marsh Responds to fans - August 12, 2008

From Lincoln Casimere

Hey Dante, the website looks great! My question to you is: given all that you have accomplished up to this point in your CFL career, Grey Cup champion, CFL All-Star, do you still feel like you have something to prove when you step out on the field?

Yes Lincoln, I do. I feel like everytime I put my helmet on I am being evaluated so I try to challenge myself each and everyday to get better no matter how well I may be playing because there is always room for improvement. I tell myself there is somebody out there that wants my job so I tell myself I'm not ready to give it up!

- DM

From Holly

Hey Dante its me again, but i got to ask where can i buy a DVD of the 2006 grey cup?

I don't know.. maybe you can ask someone on Lionbackers.com and I'm sure they can direct you to the right place.

- DM

From Bob

Just wanted to say cool site very professional. Hope we win tommorrow against the Als. Bob Prosser

Thank you Bob! I am glad you like the website and I hope you can continue to stop by periodically.

- DM

From Justin

Hey Dante, thanks for taking time to holler at me and my brother at the game on the 25th! His birthday was awesome thanks to you and the rest of Lockdown U. All the best.

No problem Justin, anytime my man! Keep coming to the games and continue to support the Lions! Don't hesitate to approach me and I will make time for you!

- DM

From Corey Lea

hey man, it was awesome to come in with you into the practice dressing room today and i cant wait for tommorow to finally get my jersey. I have been looking for that for way to long. anyways i guess i will see you tommorow, plus it was an honour to finally meet you face to face rather than yelling at you from the stands. thanks again dante see you tommorow.

My pleasure, I have enjoyed you guys cheering for me the past couple of seasons and you guys "ROCK"! I also appreciate the commitment to come to the games to show your support!

- DM

From Rammer

Hey Dante, I love the picture of you ripping out the spine of an Eskimo done by a Lionbacker as I recall. That said, what are your expectations with your site here, looks great btw. I am wondering aloud as IR JC also had his own site that seems to have been converted to his off-field work now. Benefield also had a fairly interactive website by his creation, but that folded prior to his CFL career coming to a conclusion. Do you think that certain organizations curtail players from doing their own sites? Take care and lay a smack down on the Riders in September for all our Lion fans sake.

Thanks Rammer, I like the pic as well it was pretty nice! My expectations with the my website is to give the fans a more personal look into me as a player and a person. I want to give the fans an opportunity to communicate with me without me seeming like some unreal figure that is not approachable. As a fan of football myself, I wanted to create a really nice wesite that fans would really enjoy and I think my man Jeff Armstead accomplished just that with this site. I'm not sure but I know the organization doesn't want players talking about "in-house" stuff on any website.

- DM

From DeBerry

This is DeBerry and I wanna know how your aunties think about you playing professional football?

DeBerry what's up man? Glad you stopped by the site, oh and my aunites think that its great that I play pro football! LOL!

- DM

From Jameelah

Hello cousin, Who 's everything going? Nice website man!!!! Well I just wanted to stop by and say hello and good luck this season!!! Take care,

Everything is going pretty good just trying to keep winning football games. Thank you for stopping by the site take care of that baby in your belly! I will call you.

- DM