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Dante Marsh Responds to fans - August 8, 2010

From Richard Erickson

Hey dante I'm a big bc lions fan I wish you guys the best of luck in the upcoming.....I'll be coming to most of the practices....the practice are pretty fun espacilly when you "tired"..... My question is how do you focus on football whith everything around you going on?

I appreciate that a lot, thanx for the support continue to be a loyal fan and stick with us were going to get this thing turned around...


From Alexandre Daigneault

Hey Dante this is Alex a big fan of yours, I got this Lions jersey with your number and name on it. Just want to wish you the best of luck for rest of the season. Good luck bro, this year is the Lions year.

Its easy to focus since I I have been doing this for so long. Most of the time I block the crowd and other noise out and focus on doing my job. Thank u for attending practice, games and supporting our football team. I was only a little tired today due to the fact I haven't practice in a week LOL...