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Dante Marsh Responds to fans - February 18, 2009

From Holly

Hi Dante How do you get ready for the new football season. Also what are you hoping to achieve this upcoming seasons. Thanks and all the best, Holly

Well Holly getting prepared for the season each year is a little different for me in terms of what I think I can improve on. I think the main workouts that I do are pretty much the same every off-season like plyometrics, weight training, a lot of core work and some pool exercises. In terms of my preparation being a little different or tweaked is based on things that I may have felt I could have been better at such as catching the ball. So this off-season I have been putting more focus on my hands so that hopefully it translates to more interceptions.


From Sandy Stephens

Hi Dante, Hows Advocare going for you? Are you going to be with BC again this coming season? Sounds like Nick is going to Toronto. What is your Advocar market like in BC? We are trying to find a way to make it easier for you guys over the border, but we need your feed back. I also need to show that you have a good market. Let me know... Blessings to you and your family Sandy Stephens

Everything is good Sandy just training hard for this upcoming season. I am under contract with BC so as far as I know yes I will be with BC again. To be honest with you only a few of my teammates actually used some of the products. I mean I love them they are great and I tell people all the time if you are looking for a "real" supplement then you should definitely check it out. Market in BC really isn't big I don't try to push the products on anyone I just let my performance and my body speak for itself. People want you to give them something all the time instead of investing in themselves so its a little hard trying to get someone involved, but it can be a major market. I'm definitely going to be more active with ADVOCARE this year!